About Us

At Tech and Us, we’re on a mission to be your friendly tech sidekick in this digital jungle we call life. Dive into a world where we unravel the mysteries of the latest gadgets, break down the tech lingo, and dish out practical advice in our library of easy-to-follow guides.


Picture us as your go-to tech buddy, here to decode the tech chaos and make it work seamlessly for you. We’re not just about the buzzwords; we’re the friend who spills the beans on what’s hot, what’s not, and why it matters to you.


Expect a monthly dose of independent product advice and reviews because we believe you deserve to know the real scoop. Our goal is to be that trustworthy companion who helps you navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape. Because let’s face it, your tech shouldn’t be a puzzle; it should be a smooth sail.


So, whether you’re wondering about the tech trends, need a quick fix for a glitch, or just want a good laugh about the quirks of your gadgets – we’re here. Because in the world of Tech and Us, understanding, enhancing, and making it all work isn’t just a mission; it’s our daily tech mantra. Let’s make tech less of a headache and more of a high-five moment! 🚀✨


You can also engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

If you would rather call us or send us a letter, you can reach us at 60 Tumi Avenue, Community 16 Lashibi, GT 363-0061 | 233-509-74005